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Best Food picture

by Blk Fuse  |  3 0 3626 0 1 0


BLKFUSE Foodie Fun Time: Show Off Your Yummy Pics! 

Hey awesome BLKFUSE pals! Guess what? The Best Food Picture Contest is here! It starts on December 4th, 2023, and ends on January 4th, 2024. Wanna join the tasty adv...

Media Type:  Photo Contest
Category:  Health & Food
Tags:  #foodie  #contest 
"Contest Start & End Date "Dec 4, 2023, 5:30 PMJan 4, 2024, 11:30 PM (US/Pacific)
"Entry Submission Start & End Date "Dec 4, 2023, 5:30 PMJan 4, 2024, 10:00 PM (US/Pacific)
"Voting Start & End Date "Dec 4, 2023, 5:30 PMJan 4, 2024, 11:30 PM (US/Pacific)
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    BLKFUSE Foodie Fun Time: Show Off Your Yummy Pics! 

    Hey awesome BLKFUSE pals! Guess what? The Best Food Picture Contest is here! It starts on December 4th, 2023, and ends on January 4th, 2024. Wanna join the tasty adventure? Here's how:

    How to Jump In:

    1. Click on BLKFUSE (just like playing your fave game).
    2. Find the "Contest" button—it's like a treasure hunt!
    3.  Tap on "Foodie Contest" (yum, yum!).
    4.  Snap a pic of your most delicious food and share it with #BLKFUSEFoodie.

    What's the Prize? A super cool chance to eat at a nearby restaurant with a special gift card!

    How to Be a Foodie Star: The pic with the most likes and comments from your BLKFUSE buddies wins. So, get ready to be the foodie hero!

    Good luck, Foodie Friends!

    Rules are like game instructions. The winner will be revealed on January 10th, 2024.

    Dive into the flavors, share your foodie stories, and let the BLKFUSE Foodie Contest be a delicious celebration! #BLKFUSEFoodieContest