
July 10, 2023 - posted by igmeet d2rrunes
In the base Diablo 2, end-game builds revolved around certain unique weapons and armor. D2R Ladder Items gave ...
  • Location Shanghai [map]
July 7, 2023 - posted by crystal snow
As a Unique item in Diablo 4, the power of the Fists of Fate is that it provides a damage bonus like the gloves that hav...
July 5, 2023 - posted by crystal snow
<!-- x-tinymce/html --> As the only class in Diablo 4 that uses multiple resources, the Necromancer class also ha...
July 5, 2023 - posted by crystal snow
<!-- x-tinymce/html --> As we all know, gold is very important for players in Diablo 4, and they can use them to ...
July 3, 2023 - posted by crystal snow
<!-- x-tinymce/html --> In Diablo 4, when players defeat enemies in Sanctuary, they can earn various gear. Player...