"All around the world... you're perfect!" đș Another new
Spike Jonze film to dance along with! Apple has unveiled their exciting 5-minute music video / promo spot for their
AirPods 4 (the 4th generation
AirPods featuring Active Noise Cancellation - they're actually damn good). Yes it's just a big commercial, but it's also so much fun to watch, and it's always exciting whenever a brand new Spike Jonze creation drops (
this one with Dick Van Dyke is wonderful). Someday is a AirPods commercial starring
Pedro Pascal, who walks out onto a freezing cold, icicle-covered street. As soon as he pops shiny white AirPods into his ears, everything turns bright and colorful, and the street is suddenly full of flowers everywhere. đ He goes off dancing down the street, interacting with everyone, because the world's better with AirPods in. And that's about it! Maybe one day soon we'll see another new Spike Jonze movie? Because we really,
really need one... He's still got it. //Â
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