"You see, you've got a problem with the electricity in your noggin. I know it's confusing, but try not to flip out or anything." This creative short film created by
Case Jernigan is a very personal journey through his own experiences with
multiple sclerosis (aka
Noggin is a 6-minute short doc featuring stop-motion animation, papercraft, and his own personal footage. After premiering at the 2025 Slamdance Film Festival earlier this year, it's now available to watch online. A man builds a memory palace out of paper and glass to fight brain damage from multiple sclerosis. Jernigan's intro: "No sugarcoatin' it, you've got brain damage from multiple sclerosis. Your memories are fading so gather everything left in that noggin, like paper and ink and photos and love of course. Start with the foundation and don't give up. Soon you'll have a palace." It's a very touching film about how hard it is to live with this disease, and he does his best to offer advice to others struggling as well. Very vulnerable & honest filmmaking here - absolutely worth your time. Jernigan also reminds us to give to
the MS Society to fund research for a cure and programs for patients. View below. //
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