The Proud Boys have nothing to take pride in and whatever dignity they have has been stripped from them by order of the judge. Hallejuah!
According to AP News, a judge in the Washington D.C. Superior Court has granted Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church the exclusive rights to the Proud Boys trademark. This ownership means that the extremist white nationalist group cannot sell merch using their logo unless granted permission by the church. It also means that they can claim any profits made from sales. It’s an ultimate checkmate after Metro AME was attacked by the group who tore down a Black Lives Matter sign during a “Stop the Steal” rally for Donald Trump back in 2020. As a result, the Proud Boys were ordered to pay $2.8 million in damages that was defaulted on. Thus, the judge took their existence.
It should come as no surprise that Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, was one of the first people that Donald Trump pardoned on his first day in office. Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison for charges related to his group’s infamous day of terror on January 6. He was also sentenced to five months in prison for charges related to burning two Black churches. That’s who Trump wants to be free.
Said person has released a statement to The New York Times and on X, comparing the Proud Boys to the Israelites in the bible. (We wish we were joking!)
“I see disturbing parallels between this church’s actions toward the individuals and families involved and the Pharaoh’s oppression of the Israelites in the story of Moses,” wrote Tarrio. “This church has engaged in a campaign of harassment and falsehoods, evidenced by their every filed motion.
This organization, masquerading as a church, must be subjected to a thorough audit, and its non-profit status revoked immediately. The judge’s conduct in this case necessitates impeachment and investigation. Their actions are a betrayal of justice, reminiscent of Judas’s treachery. I hold in contempt any motions, judgments, and orders issued against me.”
“Though the corrupt judicial system unjustly confined me two weeks ago, my faith in Jesus Christ has set me free. I pray for their sake they do not suffer the same fate as Pharaoh. However, let it be known: retribution is inevitable.”
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